There are over 5 million living organisms on Earth, and only about 1/4 of them are mammals. Unfortunetly as humans we tend to neglect the insects and plantlife. This list is no different.
Savanna Creatures:
Giraffa camelopardalis
A large animals with very long legs, neck, and tongue . They are covered by brown patches of every shape. They are primary consumers, and herbivores, feeding off of tall trees of the savanna. They are the prey of carnivores such as lions. In the wild their average life-span is 25 years. (Giraffes 3) They usually loose, scattered herds of no more than 20, but often move from one group to another. Male giraffes do not stay in herbs, but rather wandering looking for breeding females. They fight for power with their necks and but heads. (9) Females have no breeding season, and will be pregnate for about 15 months after which 1 calf is born. Calves become full feldge giraffes (sexually) at the age of 4 or 5. (10)
Panthera leo
Lions are the only cats to live in groups, called prides. A pride may contain from 3-30 lions, including about 5 related males, many unrelated females and their cubs. (Lions 9) As males mature they grow manes, which protect him during fights against other males. (5) They are giant cats, and secondary carniverous consumers. Their average life span is 12-16 years in the wild. (3) They catch their food by ambushies, but also scavanger for food. Lions can live for long periods of time without water, and taking moisture from their prey and plants. (8) They easily adapt to different biomes and can be seen on the edges of deserts, in grasslands and forests. (7)
Equus burchellii
Zebras are a speices of horse, and no one knows exactally why they are stripped. They a primary consumers and eat only grass, and are found only in the grasslands of Africa. Zebras are very social animals; they communicate through changing in posistions of ears, tails, and sounds. (Zebra 8) They form herds, and males fight over domination. Breeding can happen at any time of the year, and peaks after rain. The female is pregnate for 370 days, and then 1 foul is born. (9) Sexual maturity is reached at the age of 3, but most zebras cannot defend themselves until the age of 6. (9)
Black Rhinoceros
In July 2006, a final search was done throughout Northern Cameroon, West Africa and failed to find any trace of their existance. The rhinos were declared extinct by the World Conservation Union (IWCU) and have since not been spotted since. Their extinction was traced directly back to over poaching, even after 2 decades on the endangered list and parolous efforts by enviromentalists to save the rhinos. (Black 1)
Crocuta crocuta
These dog-like animals are known as cowards of the animal kindom, that feed as carnivores on poor helpless creatures. This is not entirly true, as they are highly intelligent. (Hyenas 1) They are found only in the savannas of Africa (4), and but can also survive on the fringe of deserts, and tropical rainforests. When it comes to food, they scavange, and attack smaller prey. (6) They are mostly found in groups called clans, which may be composed of anywhere between 3-50 members. (7) These clans are female dominated, and these same females will bear the children. 1-2 Cubs can then be born within 90 days of the pregnancy. (8)
Struthio camelus
These crazy flightless birds are native to Africa, and are the strongest living speices of bird in the world. Ostriches do not need to drink, because they can produce their own water and find the rest in vegitation. (Ostrich 1) Their average lifespan is about 40 years. (4) They are one of the rare omniverous consumers of the savanna, eating many different kinds of plants and sometimes small insects and lizards. (9) Ostriches are social butterflies, and are easily agitated and agressive. (10) When they do interact with each other, (and they are loners) it is done in the form of fights. (10)
*MYTH ALERT* Ostriches do not really stick their heads in the sand!
Prarie Critters:
American Bison
The American Bison once had populations nearing 100 million, but today is only surviving in natural parks and reserves. (Bison 1) Though they used to live on plains and forest, reservations of today are mostly prarie. (6) They are primary consumers, and eat mainly grass. (7) Their herds are composed of 20-60 bison at a time, and are sperated by sex. Cow herds are made of females and young bison, while the males form their own herds. (8) Their breeding season is between June and September. The alpaha male is choosen and chooses the ones they should inseminate with a crashing of the heads. The female is then pregnate for about 285 days, and then gives birth to 1 calf. (9)
Did you know?
Baby Giraffes are called calfs, and they spend 15 months inside their mothers wombs before dropping to the grassland. (BBC 10)
About 50% of calfs die in their first 6 months of life in the hands of preditors. (BBC 10)
The average life-span is 25 years, and 28 in captivity. (BBC 3)